We have 24 years Experience

We have 24 years experience specializing in reproductive physiology.

Deb Ottier has been studying reproduction since 1997, having worked at the former Equine Research Center at the University of Guelph.  She obtained an MSc in reproductive physiology, after completing a BSc (Agr) specializing in Animal Nutrition.

Educational Courses Available

We have a wide selection of courses available to learn just about anything to do with horses.  What are your interests? Do you want hands on learning?

We are a certified CFIA Semen Storage and Processing Center for International Shipments.

Looking to have your stallions semen shipped internationally?  We can help!  We are a certified center and can help achieve your goals of having your stallion available INTERNATIONALLY!

Meet Our Trainers

We have several people involved in our teaching program.  

Teaching a Stallion to do AI

While you may think a stallion will normally breed no matter what, training a stallion to mount a phantom is not always so straight forward!  We have taught a number of stallions for phantom collection, performed semen evaluations and determined longevity of stallions semen based upon microscopic examination.